About Us
Alpha Pregnancy Care Center was founded in 1989 by a diverse group of individuals who had a deep desire to help women in crisis pregnancies. Alpha Pregnancy Care Center is a welcoming refuge providing solutions, support, education, and hope to women facing a wide range of pregnancy and family decisions.
Our prayer, vision, and hope is that women, men, and families throughout the Capital Region will have access to completely free and confidential services. More than 6,000 total client visits to our centers occur each year, plus about 500 self-administered pregnancy tests are performed. Alpha continues to grow and expand the outreach to reach more families in need.
We are a place where you can find love and acceptance.
We are not here to judge, but to compassionately inform you through the entire process.
Alpha Pregnancy Care Center is supported through private gifts from individuals, businesses, foundations, and churches. We are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization and all gifts are tax deductible. If you would like to join and donate to our mission, please click here.